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The current price of a bitcoin gets determed by exchanges, which will be combined to a complete price of a single bitcoin. The same with other crypto currencies.
Bitcoin value has gone up over +163.00% in value over the last 6 months after its all-time-low at 3840$ at Januar of 2018. That clearly shows that it is not to late to get into Bitcoin, thats for sure!
Bitcoin in 2020 will show the real value to the people who believe in the technology. Time will show that old generations will grow out. They just invested into bitcoins because of its value rise, not the ideology and technology itself.
Make always sure to know the coin you invest in! Altcoin Prices fluctuate heavily, therefore you should always look out for real technology behind them.
If you're a hoodler, you shouldn't be alarmed when the price of your coins drops at certain times, thats normal. You need to invest for the future.